Available in a variety of designs our ‘Drawer System’ provides easy access to your glass, while saving space and improving efficiency. Each ‘Drawer’ holds an entire block of glass and the system is arranged such that all drawers may free fall glass onto a ‘Shopping Table’ or even a stationary ‘Float Table’ via the optional shuttle. Several systems working together allow maximum access to a wide variety of glass in a minimum of space.
Shuttle Type Table Height
All ‘Drawer Systems’ are customized to suit your individual needs with optional automated, powered operation with CNC interconnects, and a shuttle mounted, automated free fall arm.
Other Categories
- Assembly Line
- Custom Spreader Bars
- Dolly Hydraulic Lift
- Glass Cutting Tables
- Glass Handling Equipment
- Glass Harp Racks
- IG Equipment
- Lifting Equipment
- Material Handling Equipment
- Material Handling Tables
- New Equipment
- Painting Equipment
- Pneumatic Tilt Tables
- Racks & Carts
- Rubber Wheeled Cart
- Storage Equipment
- Stretch Wrapping Equipment
- Table and Air Tables
- Transfer and Power Conveyor Equipment
- Window and door Production Line Equipment
New & Featured Equipments

K-09D2 Solid HDPE Fingers

K-10AE Multi Lock Hang Dolly

Shipping Rack for IG Glass